
Meal plans for your family with just a few clicks of a button

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Meal planning made easy

Jumpstart your meal plan in 3 easy steps

How many days

Choose the number of days for your meal plan.

Swap meals

Create your meal plan and swap out any meals you don't fancy.

Delivered to your inbox

Email your meal plan and an ingredient list for each recipe, simplifying your shopping.

Ready to build your first meal plan?

Try it yourself to see how easy it is to plan meals for your family.


Simplify Meal Planning

Get personalised meal plans, recipes, and shopping lists delivered straight to your inbox.



Generate unlimited meal plans for free

  • Generate unlimited meal plans
  • Access to all recipes
Build your first meal plan



Get access to all the features we have to offer and simplify your meal planning

  • Generate unlimited meal plans
  • Access to all recipes
  • Email your meal plan
  • Email a shopping list of ingredients for your meal plan
  • Email links to all recipes in your meal plan
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Sign up today

Get started with PlatePickers today and unlock the next level of meal planning.

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I've enjoyed using PlatePickers this week! We've never had breakfast for dinner before, big hit 🙌🏼

PlatePickers Member

Frequently asked questions

Have a different question and can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our support team by sending us an email and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Can I use PlatePickers for free?

Yes, PlatePickers is free to generate unlimited meal plans.

So what do we get with the paid plan?

With the paid plan, you get access to emailing the meal plan to yourself and the list of ingredients too.

Will there be more features?

Yes, we are working on adding more features to PlatePickers.

Can I add my own recipes?

Not yet, but we are working on adding this feature.

How do I contact support?

You can reach out to our support team by sending us an email